© Thames Valley Writers’ Circle
Created with Xara Designer Pro+
General Considerations
Publishing offices are very busy places and so will look to minimise the work they have to do
when entering your submission into their system. Usually, they will specify their formatting
requirements on entry forms, web sites etc. If you cannot locate this information, it is worth
contacting them. Most would rather you request this information than send in material that
does not conform to their needs.
Remember, a submission in the wrong format is likely to be rejected without even being read.
Submissions to TVWC Events/Competitions
We are generally rather relaxed about submissions or entries to our competitions. One important
rule is that the author’s name does not appear on any of the pages of the story/poem. This is so
that judging is not influenced by knowing who wrote which piece.
Apart from that, so long as the entry is legible, not too demanding on tired eyes, it will be accepted.
Submissions To NAWG’s Link Magazine
The editor of Link Magazine offers the following advice to those wishing to submit an item for
inclusion in the magazine.
The basic rule is to format your work as little as possible, so that compiling the magazine is
as quick and uncomplicated as possible. If a piece of work is ‘almost there’ I’ll take the time
and trouble to unformat it myself, but beyond a certain point I won’t do it but will, instead,
return it to the sender and ask them to submit properly. As well as the point above, if writers don’t follow editors’ and
agents’ submission guidelines, the simple fact is that the work simply won’t be read. Submitting work as professionally
as possible is part of learning the craft.
Submit to
Email your work as a Word document to editor@nawg.co.uk. If you can’t submit through email post your work to
NAWG, c/o Old Vicarage, Scammonden, Huddersfield, HD3 3FT. Ensure that your piece is clearly typed on to A4
sheets and mailed unfolded if possible. I can scan the pages through my optical recognition software and drop
the text directly into a Word doc. I cannot accept hand-written pieces, as I simply don’t have the time to type them
Format your work as little as possible. This saves a lot of time and effort getting your pieces ready for Link.
For the text, use Times New Roman as the font.
Justify text to the left.
Do not write the title all in capitals. Don’t centre the title.
As far as possible don’t use italic or bold text and don’t underline words.
Use a single space after the end of a sentence.
Use a double return (‘Enter’ key) to separate paragraphs.
Don’t indent paragraphs.
Use “ ” to enclose speech and ‘ ’ for quotes.
Do not use headers or footers, page numbers etc.
If you include email addresses or website URLs inyour work, edit out the hyperlink – In other words, the letters
of the email or URL will stay the same, but it won’t be clickable to take you to the address or open an email.
If you send images to accompany your writing, do not embed them in the text. Please send as JPGs with a
resolution of 300 dpi or greater.